The Rain-X Name & Logo

The Rain-X Name & Logo

The Rain-X name

The origin of the Rain-X name can be traced back to its founder, Howard Ohlhausen. Howard sent several potential brand names (some of them included Rain-Be-Gone, Rain Away and others) to ad agencies in Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles and none of them liked or advised the use of the name Rain-X. He decided to use the Rain-X brand name against the ad agencies recommendations for the automotive market.

The Rain-X logo & packaging

The bright yellow color of Rain-X packaging makes it one of the most recognizable products on the shelf, but the first Rain-X logo and bottle were white and black. However, in retail testing, the black and white bottle was not getting much product movement for lack of shelf visibility, so the brand made a quick pivot to a new color scheme.

Standing out from the crowd

The bright yellow has been a fairly consistent element of the Rain-X brand image from its earliest days. With the black and white colors proving unsuccessful, Howard Ohlhausen decided to use the automotive sign and color for “Warning and Yield” which is Yellow (PMS 109), which brought greater shelf visibility and made Rain-X the success that it is to this day.

Logo Evolution